Category: Opinion
Slow and steady goes the news
There’s been some interesting news regarding city hall this week with the revelation that Councillor Bill Sarai secretly recorded Mayor Reid Hamer-Jackson and then went on to deny being the source of that recording. The recording contained an argument between the two men. This argument, from 2023, ended up resulting in investigations into the Mayor’s…
Disclosure and transparency
The creation of the Kamloops Chronicle newspaper has been a great experience in active community development. As both a life-long volunteer and retired CEO in the nonprofit world, it has been gratifying to work with a small group of volunteers determined to pool their skills and bring a newspaper back to the city. We started…
Letters Dec. 2024
Call for resignation Dear Editor: Open letter to city councilDec 2, 2024 Dear Council Members,Councillor Sarai intentionally created a situation involving Mayor Hamer-Jackson by editing, manipulating, and fabricating events, including altering a recording he made without the mayor’s knowledge. When the mayor questioned the recording’s origins and wondered if his office might be bugged, Councillor…
A community newspaper needs community support
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” This saying has come to mind again and again as a small and mighty group have been working together to launch the Kamloops Chronicle. We started meeting in early August, decided to form a non profit society, and set…
Welcome to the Chronicle
What you’re holding in your hand right now (or looking at on your phone, or your PC, or however you might be reading this) is something I think is pretty special. It’s the first issue of what we hope will be a new ongoing newspaper for the city of Kamloops and it’s called the Kamloops…
Letters – Oct. 25, 2024
Community needs communication Dear Editor:In our lives, a sense of “community” is a central component. Communication is required to make it all work. With the loss of our local newspaper, communication ceased and we were all poorer for it. Let’s hope this new newspaper fills that gap and enables our “community” to thrive once again.…