Good things in Kamloops

A cheque for $4,600 was presented to Kamloops Hospice. The funds were raised by Randy Hendricks at the Valleyview Barber Shop.

Kamloops is an amazing community with a long-standing culture of kindness and looking out for one another. We need to talk about this more, give it more attention, and keep strengthening our collective goodness.

We, at the Kamloops Chronicle, feel it’s so important to share good news regularly and that’s what this space will be about.

We encourage you to submit your good news by calling 250 851-9630, emailing us at [email protected] or sending us mail to PO Box 814, Station Main, Kamloops B.C., V2C 5M8.

Here is some great news that has come across our radar in the past several weeks:

The Royal Inland Hospital Foundation received a $35,000 donation from the Colombo Lodge Society for cancer care services at the hospital in Kamloops. These funds were raised at the Lodge’s annual Spring Fling. The next spring fling is scheduled for April 26, 2025.

Cassie’s Charity Drive has raised over $250,000 for the Kamloops Hospice over the past four years. Cassie McNutt is only 18 years old, and she and family have inspired so many to give generously.

Randy Hendricks, owner of the Valleyview Barber Shop, is just one person inspired by Cassie. Randy stood outside his barber shop almost every day in December and waved at cars in his jolly red suit. His efforts raised another $4,600 for our hospice.

Lynne Borle, with the Kamloops Blue House Recovery shares, “Residents are working hard at recovering from substance use disorder. These men are making connections within the community, working, attending school and meetings. They are reconnecting with family and friends. They are proud of themselves, and we are proud of them!”

One of the Chronicle’s founding donors has retired after a 31-year career at Underhill Geomatics and Land Surveyors. Congratulations Chris de Haan!

The Kamloops Chronicle founding donors include Lois Hollstedt, Tom Dickinson, Terry Lowe with Volkswagen Kamloops, Rob Lemire with Wilson Beck Insurance, Wayne Richardson with Runners Sole, Ryan Liebe, Fred Feistmann with Feistmann Wealth Management, Linda Turner with Linda Turner Personal Real Estate Corp, Steve Frith with Urban Systems, David Hughes with Forward Law, Wells Gray Tours, and Chris de Haan.

Kamloops Facilitator Stacey Olsen-Steele recently gave a talk at TedX White Rock entitled, The Future is Collaborative She sends a big thank you to, “Sarah, Michelle, Cindi, Teresa, Jane, Bonnie, Heather, and Lisa for helping me prepare.”

Judy Basso shared “Congratulations to The Can-Ital Ladies Society on their 60th Anniversary! A small group of 20 women, with Italian heritage, founded this society whose purpose is to support women and children in Kamloops as well as preserve and promote their Italian culture. The idea was started by Mrs. Clelia Fuoco. They have raised just shy of $1 million for our community, have also provided countless hours of volunteer time in numerous ways and have created great awareness of the Italian heritage and traditions. A wonderful celebration was held on Sept. 8 at the Colombo Lodge. The three founding members that remain are Louise Malahoff, Giovanna Ulliana, and Fernanda Gnoato. Their vision and dedication to the organization was celebrated.”